Thursday, May 18, 2017

A Boring Company

Love him or hate him, you cannot deny Elon Musk's sense of humor.  With his announcement of "The Boring Company", he has setup the perfect backdrop for a modern revival of the classic "Who's on First?" comedy routine.

Scene: Two men are sharing a ride in a shuttle from the airport to their hotel, making small talk to pass time.

[A] What are you in town for?
[B] A boring convention.
[A] Well, they can't all be fun.
[B] Oh, I'm really excited about this one.
[A] <skeptically> Really, why's that?
[B] I get to see the latest in boring equipment.
[A] <flatly> Ah-ha.

[A] What company do you work for?
[B] I work for The Boring Company.
[A] Don't we all!  But seriously, which company?
[B] The Boring Company.
[A] I see.  What kind of work do you do there?
[B] I bore.
[A] <deadpan stare> You don't say...

[A] So when you go to work each day, what do you do?
[B] I run The Boring Machine.
[A] Gets tedious fast, does it?
[B] Oh no, every day is a new challenge?
[A] Really?  How is that?
[B] Well, I get to bore things that have never been bored before.
[A] I know how it feels...  Do you have any coworkers?
[B] Yes, there are two of us in my department.
[A] What does your colleague do?
[B] He runs The Other Boring Machine.
[A] <aside> How did I not see that coming?

[A] Do you have to submit every any reports on your work?
[B] Oh, every day!
[A] What kind of reports do you submit?
[B] Boring reports.
[A] You mean nobody reads them?
[B] Oh no, everyone reads them, some of them even get posted on the wall!
[A] The wall?
[B] Yes, we have a wall where the best reports are posted.
[A] What do you call this wall?
[B] The Boring Wall.

[A] Do you know your company's leadership?
[B] Oh sure!
[A] So when your leader makes an introduction, what does he say?
[B] He says, "Hi, I'm The Boring Company's CEO."
[A] Of course he does.

[A] Is your company publicly traded?
[B] Oh yes!
[A] What is the ticker?

[A] Do you ever read your company's financial reports?
[B] Every quarter.
[A] So at the top of the financial reports, what does it say?
[B] "The Boring Company's balance sheet".
[A] Right.

[A] So let me get this straight:  You work at the boring company, doing a boring job where you bore all day long, run a boring machine along with a coworker that runs the other boring machine, write boring reports that get posted on the boring wall, work for a boring CEO who submits boring financial reports?
[B] That's right!
[A] Sounds like a boring life.
[B] <enthusiastically> You said it!

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